Scootin' Scooters was a game project created in only a week during my little free time. It's a fast paced endless runner style game. It's not available publicly but if you'd like to try it shoot me an email and I'll get you a Steam key.

Upon losing all their hearts the player is flung from their scooter (in a ragdoll fashion of course) and the camera follows the body in slow motion.

It features scooter customization and Steam leaderboard integration.
As with all my projects I wanted to create blueprint systems that are easy to expand, modify and create levels with. This demo video displays those principles.

Given I only had a week the tutorial section is rather barebones but gets the job done. The game goes into slow motion and prompts the player to initiate each type of movement.

If there were more time I would have added images to represent the keybinds instead of using only text.